Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Some novel developments

So there are a few changes going on at this site. First off, this is no longer your destination for new chapters of Cobalt City Blues. Yes, I am still publishing it, but I have taken the liberty of creating another site which is a lot more...accessable. Vist it at the above listed link.

This page will go back to it's original purpose, including original content and behind the scenes production diaries, etc. For that reason, I will no longer be pimping my novel HERE, but I will provide for your reading enjoyment the short story that started it all, Masks - a de la Vega Mystery

On the subject of Gato Loco and Manuel de la Vega, I am entering into editing on Greetings from Buena Rosa, the nanowrimo experiment from last November. For that reason, I have removed most of the chapters previously posted and enjoyed by you here. Rest assured, they will be back at some point, even better than the hastily scribbled hackery displayed before. A full edit shouldn't take me too long, with the ultimate goal, an actual print version I hope to have available here and through a third party vendor to be named later. I have left up the first several chapters of Buena Rosa for new readers, but they will be altered in the editing warned.

Old readers, thank you for your support.

New readers, buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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