Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Credit where it is due

Cobalt City Blues has a huge cast of characters. Keeping them distinct and individual was no small task, but it was made easier by my gifted collaborators who, in fact, created many of the characters which populate Cobalt City. Their creativity inspired my own creativity, driving me to give these characters voice. I could not have written this novel without them. So in all fairness to everyone involved, and as thanks for allowing me to give voice to their ideas, thus populating the city with individuals that you would want to read about, I present what I would like to name the creator roll call.

Wild Kat / Katherine Wilde – Kathleen Crowder
Knockabout / Edirin Okoloko – Andrew Warren
Worm Queen / Anna Lyta – Catherine Warren
Stardust / Jaccob Stevens (and his family) – Karl “Ed” Johnson
Doctor Shadow – Sean Mordaga
Velvet – Jennifer Fermon
Archon – Ian Hamilton
Gallows – Sean Hamilton

Thank you for making Cobalt City a much richer place to live.

Some novel developments

So there are a few changes going on at this site. First off, this is no longer your destination for new chapters of Cobalt City Blues. Yes, I am still publishing it, but I have taken the liberty of creating another site which is a lot more...accessable. Vist it at the above listed link.

This page will go back to it's original purpose, including original content and behind the scenes production diaries, etc. For that reason, I will no longer be pimping my novel HERE, but I will provide for your reading enjoyment the short story that started it all, Masks - a de la Vega Mystery

On the subject of Gato Loco and Manuel de la Vega, I am entering into editing on Greetings from Buena Rosa, the nanowrimo experiment from last November. For that reason, I have removed most of the chapters previously posted and enjoyed by you here. Rest assured, they will be back at some point, even better than the hastily scribbled hackery displayed before. A full edit shouldn't take me too long, with the ultimate goal, an actual print version I hope to have available here and through a third party vendor to be named later. I have left up the first several chapters of Buena Rosa for new readers, but they will be altered in the editing warned.

Old readers, thank you for your support.

New readers, buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Cobalt City Part Four

It's back. Another installment in the weekly saga of Cobalt City Blues!

In which Wild Kat goes on a date and in which her date is made an offer he can't refuse, by someone else entirely.

Yeah, it's a bit early for Valentine's Day, but these things happen. The romantic subplot of the super-hero everyone is talking about kicks off this chapter. And the seeds for Cobalt City's salvation are planted here as well. Don't let the mushy stuff fool you. Hell is coming right around the corner, and nothing will be the same when it gets there. A can't miss installment in four-color style, all for two lonely quarters with the insanely simple magic of Bitpass!

Part Four - Chapters Six and Seven


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Cobalt City Blues Part Three

In which Voodoo Jazz pianist Mister Grey sees a familar face in the crowd. And Doctor Shadow takes rookies Archon and Gallows on a magical mystery tour to meet the King in Yellow.

The wheels are turning, major players are revealed, and the mysterious Augustus Dei is lurking just behind the veil waiting to make his sinster plan known.

Download the latest installment in the super-hero epic like no other, Cobalt City Blues for the sacrifice of two slim quarters. Why, that's only the cost of a phone call! You can't even buy a comic book for fifty cents anymore!

Cobalt City Blues Part Three


-Nathan, the Tatterdamelion

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Oozing into 2006

First off, I would like to highly reccomend Goldschlager mixed with Jones Green Apple Soda.

Secondly, I generally HATE New Years. An unfortunate experience on the ill fated night six years ago tainted what was otherwise a fairly innocent holiday. Now, it is difficult for me to just distance myself and have fun. Even though I was spending the evening with most of my best friends in Seattle, I still was plodding towards it as if it were a cramped bamboo cage at the end of a long march.

But, surprise surprise, it was great. Much fun was had, if not by all, at least by me. I engaged James (expert in China studies and history) and John (expert in economics and politics) in a lively discussion about China's emergenance as a global trade power in the last 30 or so years. Yes, to many of you, this may sound dry, but the time just flew by. And it was only one of the many fascinating conversations the evening held in store. By the time the calendar page flipped over, it seemed as if no time had passed at all. In the end, we ended up outliving our hosts endurance and spilled back out onto the streets and then home.

I was reminded of how fortunate I am to have such an amazing group of smart, compassionate, funny, insightful, and just flat out great friends. New Years was a smash, and all that remains is to brush the beer residue from the teeth and turn in.

New Year's Resolution?

"I resolve to break old patterns."

James, also a counsellor and youth minister, advised that in order to break old patterns, it is usually required to, at least in part, reinvent yourself. So if that's what needs to be done, that's what needs to be done. I think possibly, as of now, I will be black. Very, very pale, of course, but black. Yeah, that might be harder than it sounds now. I shall have to consider this in the morning with a somewhat clearer head.
