Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Chanson Noir lives!

Just the other day, I started publishing the chapters of my newest novel, Chanson Noir, in installments. Three chapters a week, posted on (or just before, as the case has been so far), Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday. So far, three chapters are up. At the end of the experience (September, at this point), I'll be taking most of the chapters off-line and publishing it through, just like I have the other Cobalt tales. I have talented people working on the covers to unify the series even as we speak.

It's all terribly exciting.

I'm curious what the reaction of readers might be. I start off with a prologue featuring Louis Malenfant -- the most unsavory character in the narrative at his most pathetic. That was a risk, I knew, but that prologue was the seed for this story. In many ways, he is one of the axis which this novel spins upon.


3CountyLaugh said...

I need chapter 3!!!!
BTW good story I'm totally sucked in now.

Tatterdemalion said...

Chapter 3 is now live. What is more, I've managed to fix the RSS feed, so if you're subscribed, you should see it there in your feed-reader. Chapter 3 gives a good look into the life of Worm Queen in her civilian identity.