Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Move is on

My lovely wife starts her new job in September, so we are having to leave this bastion of rain, coffee, and intellectual freedom that is the greater Seattle area for the harsh winters and deep-dish double-crust goodness of Chicago. It was a rough decision, but ultimately, it was for the best. Individually and together, we have made some amazing friends here, and leaving them behind was not done lightly. But we exhausted job prospects in the area and simply couldn't turn down her 60% increase in income.

So we just recieved word today. Our application to the apartment we were looking at in Oak Park has been accepted, so we are officially a "Go!" The move, as they say, is on. All that remains is weeding out all the stuff we don't want to take cross country and packing up the rest before we sell the house.


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